TopSpin processing software is free for academia and government institutions. And you can get an Evaluation license for the full Bruker Suite here (requires login/ quick registration).
- Opening Bruker data in TopSpin.Drag and drop zip file from local Outlook email or Desktop to TopSpin: 6 If you use Outlook 2013 or similar on your computer (that is, Outlook not on the Internet), you can simply drag and drop the zip file into the main TopSpin window.
- 2Previously Bruker used the ’Flexlm software to manage licenses; this has switched to software from ’CodeMeter.’ 3In the past there was a bug with certain web- browsers (Chrome and Edge) regarding the license activation through Topspin. If it doesn’t work, the suggested fix is to use Firefox or Safari.
- The Chemistry NMR facility no longer provides licenses to Bruker’s TopSpin processing software, as it is now free for academic users. Go to Bruker’s website for the license and download.
- The guides listed below are all for Bruker Avance consoles running TopSpin 3.0 or newer, except for one area in the Misc section.
- Directly-detected 1D X-nucleus experiments (13C, 31P, 19F, 29Si, etc) in TopSpin
— Notes for Boron(11B and 10B) NMR
More TopSpin 3.x Guides
- CMC-se and CMC-assist Notes(Structure Elucidation & Structure Verification)
Other/Older Bruker Guides
- 2D NMR via TopSpin: cosy, cosylr, dqfcosy, tocsy, hsqc, hsqc-edited, hsqc-coupled, hmbc, noesy, roesy
- 2D NMR via IconNMR
— cosy, cosylr, dqfcosy
— tocsy, hsqc
— hmbc
More Exps
Topspin Download
- no-D 1H and 13C NMR(use of non-deuterated solvents)
- Ligand Binding:
— Saturation-Transfer Difference (STD)