Minecraft Map Art

Image Map Download link. This is a simple Windows application that converts images to Minecraft maps using the latest colors. It works for both Java Edition and Bedrock Edition (also known as the inferior Windows 10 version). Minecraft PE Maps. Puzzle Teleport – RyanMinecraft71 Minigame. Paint, brush, draw and create unlimited amount of art using simple tools and vanilla. This generator lets you import png, jpg and gif files and converts them into commands which create the image as a giant mural on your Minecraft map. All this can be done without MCEdit or mods. The generator scans every pixel in the image and chooses the closest color match from the available blocks.

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How do I get started?


What do I do with the NBT file?.
Use it like a .schematic file.

How can I use the NBT file?
You can use it with programs like cubical.xyz, MCEdit and mods like Schematica/Litematica.
You can also import them into your game directly with a structure block - although it might require a redstone power source (#100. It might be a better idea to use a datafile instead - its easier and gives more colors.

...but I need a .schematic file!
Import it into cubical.xyz or MCEdit and export as .schematic.
You do not need a .schematic file for use with Baritone, just use Schematica and the '#schematica' command.

But MCEdit doesn't work
Make sure you're using MCEdit Unified and importing the nbt as a schematic, NOT loading it as a world.

Why is there a row of extra blocks? How do I align the map?
The extra row of blocks (commonly known as a noobline) exists to shade the map properly - without it your map's topmost line will have incorrect colors. You can find the correct place to place your map through trial and error or by using the findCorners(x,y) JavaScript function on MapartCraft, where x and y are your current coordinates. North is always the up-direction on maps and you shouldn't rotate the schematic.


What is a map.dat file?
It is the native format Minecraft stores map data in, meaning you can use it to import maps into your worls without needing to build a physical structure.
It also enables you to use an extra shade of color not usually accessible.

What do I do with the map.dat file?
You can use the map.dat file in singleplayer or a server you own.
Create an new map in-game, go to your world's save file, then the data folder and from there you can replace map_xxx.dat files.


Map size?
This will define how many maps you will create for your picture.
When creating bigger maps, it's recommended to split it into multiple schematics. This can be done with the 'DOWNLOAD AS 1X1 SPLIT' button, which will download your map as separate 1x1 schematics.

My image is stretched!
Change your map size, enable the crop option or edit your image with an image editor.

Minecraft Map Art

This will make your map 3D. Doing so will give you 3 times the colors, but it'll also make the map a lot harder to build, as it is not flat.

Better color?
This setting will give you more natural colors. Disabling this will make the website faster and give you slightly worse colors. It is recommended to keep this enabled.

This will add grain to your image that will make it look a lot smoother. It is usually recommended to disable this for things like flat-colored artwork.
Floyd-Steinberg dithering is the most accurate one, but the Ordered/Bayer dithering will usually have less artifacts and gives the image an unique style.

Add blocks under/Block to add?
Here you can pick the block that will be put under either important blocks (eg carpets, sand, pressure plates) or all blocks. This block will also be used for the noobline, which cannot be disabled.

You can use presets to save and load block configurations. Pick your blocks and click 'Save' to save them as a preset, pick a preset to load it and click 'Delete' to delete the loaded preset.
It is also possible to share a link for your preset with others.

1.8 Version1.10 Version1.13 Version

This generator lets you import png, jpg and gif files and converts them into commands which create the image as a giant mural on your Minecraft map. All this can be done without MCEdit or mods. The generator scans every pixel in the image and chooses the closest color match from the available blocks. The only software you may need is an image editor like Photoshop to create images.

Import an Image

You need to consider how big the mural is going to be when it is placed in your map. This is important as a default Minecraft map has a maximum build height of 255. If you build an mural at sea level (62), this gives you about 193 blocks high to work with. You may need to scale(resize) your image first if it is too high. There is a feature that lets you scale the image. 1 is the original size. 0.5 halves the size and 2 would double the size. Simple!

This generator attempts to slice the mural into sections as efficiently as possible. Images with fewer colors such as a logo can be created in fewer commands when compared to a photograph.

If the image you have supplied exceeds the Command Block's maximum character limit of 32,767, The commands will be split into many sections and you will have to copy them into the command block one at a time. This is explained later.

The alpha channel in an image is what controls the transparency. This tool will treat an alpha value of 0 as totally transparent and no blocks will be placed. An alpha value of 1 or higher will not be considered as transparent and will be color matched with the most appropriate block.


Choose your Blocks

To choose your blocks click the checkboxes from each of the groups that you wish to include. If there are any blocks that you want to exclude, just click them. They can be chosen again if you reselect the groups.

After you have selected the blocks, you can click the 'Show/Update Preview' button to see a preview. You will see a large render of what the mural will look like with the chosen Minecraft blocks. You can zoom in and out get an idea about what the mural may look like from a distance. Tip: If selecting 'All Blocks' you may wish to deselect the individual stained glass blocks. They tend to spoil the picture due to their transparency. Blocks that fall (sand, gravel and concrete powder) are now included but murals are now drawn from the bottom up. Exclude falling blocks if the bottom row has no existing blocks under it.

All BlocksGrey ScaleWoolStained GlassStained ClayConcrete PowderConcreteShow/Update Preview

Hide Preview Zoom-+

Set the Placement

Set the placement of the mural. Here you just need to decide which direction the player faces when viewing the mural. The options are North, South, East and West. Murals on the ground are created on the layer directly under the command block. The bottom-left corner of the mural will be under the command block.

(OPTION A) Download the mcfunction file

With this option you can harness the awesome power of mcfunction files to create the mural. If you use this option, you can then skip all of the other steps below. Please read the Wiki on Function Files to find out how it works. There is a limitation of 65,536 commands per function file. For a large picture, you may need to divide the function file into smaller files.

(OPTION B) Place a Command Block (Create mural with minecarts)

You will need to be in creative mode now and you will need to give yourself a command block with this command:
/give @p minecraft:command_block
The mural is built relative to this command block so this will determine where you place the command block. The bottom of the mural will be at the same vertical position (y) as the command block. And it will be built one block to the right of the command block when facing the direction specified in step 3. Place some redstone blocks as shown here.

Command Length

In some situations, the commands that are generated may be too long and might cause errors when pasted into a command block. In normal situations, the value in the box can be left as is. As the number is reduced, it is likely that more command sets will be produced below. Do not set this value over 32000.
Maximum Command Length

Generate the Mural

Below you will see the generated commands that you will need to paste into the command block. Large and complex images will have the commands split into many parts while less complex images will have fewer parts. To generate the image you will need to repeat these steps.
  1. Click the button for the next part
  2. Copy and paste this part into the command block
  3. Place a redstone torch in front of the command block
  4. Look up in the sky. You should see some blocks up there
  5. Break the redstone torch
  6. Type this command into the chat bar: /kill @e[type=commandblock_minecart,r=20]
  7. Repeat until you have have completed all of the command parts

You're Finished

Hopefully it worked and the mural looks great. If so you can destroy the redstone blocks and command block.


If you get stuck and things aren't working right, Check out this tutorial by mitchellcrazyeye.


Minecraft Map Art Helper

This tool was make possible with what was learned from dandydrank's how-to on Making Multiple Commands in One Command Block.

Minecraft Map Art Generator

Style Sheet by: bernzrdo.neocities.org

Minecraft Map Art Colors

Thanks for checking out the page.

Minecraft Map Art Size

Contact bimbimma@gmail.com or @PyroStunts.